The Dublin based Senator raised the matter in Seanad Éireann last week as it became known that at least 18 women in Dublin South Central died tragically by suicide last year.
She said, “Much emphasis is placed on highlighting the prevalence of suicide among young Irish men but we must recognise also that there has been a worrying rise in the number of women dying by suicide in our community.
“These women were mothers with young children; some may have been early school leavers while others struggled in homelessness, women with adverse childhood experiences and living in difficult circumstances including drug or alcohol addiction.
“Psychiatrists working with the Health Service Executive locally have recognised that these statistics are unique to our area and have raised their concern regarding the growing number ending their lives by suicide.
“I believe that it is no coincidence that these women lived in one of the most socially deprived and economically neglected in the country. The challenges faced by the women in our area who have sadly died by suicide undoubtedly contributed to their ability to maintain a good mental health.
“It is far from a myth that social inequality and living in an area of socioeconomic deprivation can affect a person’s deteriorating mental health.
“Local and national State agencies and organisations need to be better resources by Government to support those in unemployment, emergency accommodation, overwhelmed by growing debt or suffering in addiction.
“Our collective focus as legislators and elected representatives should remain on implementing measures in the community aimed at suicide prevention and addressing the risks associated with driving women to suicide.
“Throughout the month of May we have been rightfully encouraged to promote positive mental health and make a real difference to a person who feels pushed towards ending their life.
The Senator concluded, “We know that death by suicide can so often be prevented when the adequate supports are provided and made accessible. There has never been a greater need to ensure that fewer Dublin women feel such hopelessness.”